java captcha


Java CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a widely used technology to prevent automated bots from performing malicious activities on websites. It presents challenges that are easy for humans to solve but difficult for automated scripts or bots.

Implementing a Java CAPTCHA involves creating and displaying distorted images containing random characters or objects that users must identify and enter correctly. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a simple Java CAPTCHA system using the Java Servlet API:

1. Generate Random Text:

Start by creating a method to generate random text, such as letters and numbers, to display in the CAPTCHA image.

2. Create the CAPTCHA Image:

Use Java libraries like `javax.imageio` and `java.awt` to create an image. Draw the random text on the image with some distortion to make it challenging for bots to recognize.

3. Encode and Store the CAPTCHA Text:

Store the generated CAPTCHA text in the session or database for later verification when the user submits their answer.

4. Display CAPTCHA to Users:

Use Java Servlets to serve the CAPTCHA image to users when they visit a specific URL on your website. Make sure to set the appropriate response headers to indicate that the image is an image, not HTML.

5. User Validation:

When the user submits the form, retrieve their entered CAPTCHA text, compare it with the stored value from the session or database, and determine if it matches. If the CAPTCHA is solved correctly, proceed with the desired action; otherwise, display an error message and prompt the user to try again.

Sample Java Code (simplified):


import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;



public class CaptchaServlet extends HttpServlet {

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

// Generate random CAPTCHA text

String captchaText = generateRandomText();

// Store CAPTCHA text in the session or database for later verification

request.getSession().setAttribute("captchaText", captchaText);

// Create the CAPTCHA image and write it to the response

byte[] captchaImage = createCaptchaImage(captchaText);




protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

// Retrieve user-entered CAPTCHA text

String userCaptchaText = request.getParameter("captcha");

// Retrieve stored CAPTCHA text for verification

String storedCaptchaText = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("captchaText");

// Validate user input

if (userCaptchaText != null && userCaptchaText.equals(storedCaptchaText)) {

// CAPTCHA solved correctly, proceed with the desired action

// ...

response.getWriter().write("CAPTCHA solved correctly!");

} else {

// CAPTCHA solved incorrectly, display an error message

// ...

response.getWriter().write("Incorrect CAPTCHA. Please try again.");



private String generateRandomText() {

// Logic to generate random CAPTCHA text

// ...


private byte[] createCaptchaImage(String captchaText) {

// Logic to create CAPTCHA image with the given text

// ...




Please note that the actual implementation may involve more advanced techniques, such as adding noise, random rotations, or other forms of distortion to improve security. Additionally, you should consider accessibility for users with visual impairments by providing alternative CAPTCHA mechanisms.